The East Wichita Rotary Foundation awarded $12,000 in scholarships to the following Sedgwick County students attending Kansas universities for this past academic year. Renewal scholarships were granted to the following students: Bradshaw | Delaney | Kansas State University | Brown | Chloe | Wichita State University | Mills | Heather | Kansas State University | Rader | Kimberly | Wichita State University | Sosa | Carlos | Wichita State University | Wood | Niki | Benedictine College | **NEW 2023-2024** | | | Ralston | Samuel | Kansas State University | Zoglman | Molly | Kansas State University | Armstrong | Jalen | Kansas State University | Castillo-Lopez | Annette | Newman | Davis* | Olivia | Wichita State University | *Fahnestock | | |
Congratulations to the following scholarship recipients who graduated during the 2022-23 academic year or have decided to continue their studies beyond the Rotary scholarship renewal limits: Mangaza | Miriam | Wichita State University | Ortiz | Fatima | Newman University | Santos-Trevizo | Elda | Wichita State University | Stuhlsatz | Brian | Kansas State University |
2024-04-15 05:00:00Z |
Another March Madness tournament has ended, with history being made by the Connecticut Huskies, winning back-to-back years, and cutting down the nets as National Champions after their big victory over Purdue on April 8th! Many of us chose Connecticut to win it all, but our brackets stumbled along the way with losses in the earlier games. Therefore, our points were not high enough to claim the top three prizes. So … our top winner of the 75 brackets, receiving a check for $160, earning the most points after the championship game, is Eileen Kludt, with 140 points. Larry Stoppel won the 2nd place prize, and a $115 check, with 139 points, and Ed Frey was awarded third place with 138 points; he receives a $75 check. Then, at our April 10th Rotary meeting, we drew the three $50 winners from the non-winning brackets and ….. drum roll please …. Madison Riemenschneider, Chelsea Hearson, and Diana Fredelake are our $50 winners. Thanks to Andover State Bank and State Farm agent and EW Rotarian, Kevin Rathert, who co-sponsored the $500 prize purse. With their generosity, we could use all the bracket purchases as profit for the East Wichita Rotary Foundation. And what a profit it was: $1,875, which is more than one year’s scholarship for local students attending Kansas colleges, universities, or technical schools. In the six years of “the Battle”, we have profited $9,350 for the Foundation! Wow! It is thanks to EACH of you, whether participating every year since we began, or playing for the first time this year, that we have had such a successful FUNdraiser! Let's do it again next year!
March Madness "Battle of the Brackets" wraps up another year!
2024-04-10 05:00:00Z |
Desire to make a difference in your community, to be a stay-at-home Mom or Dad? Given retirement, the Rotary Club of East Wichita is looking for a new Club Executive beginning June 1st. Expressions of inquiry and resumes for this contract labor position may be sent to Description of associated activities may be found at the top of the listing of documents at the left.
Join the EWR team! Opening for Club Executive position!
2024-03-28 05:00:00Z |
PELS 2024
2024-03-26 05:00:00Z |
The 2022-2023 Rotary year wrapped up with a "positively" great Changing of the Guard meeting, as our very positive, upbeat and fun president, Dane Estok, passed the gavel to incoming president, Darin Kater. Before the gavel was passed, Dane recognized Larry Hund with the "Service Above Self" Award and presented Tom and Peggy Church with the "Rotarians of the Year" Award. Dane highlighted the achievements and successes of the year and, with his wonderfully positive attitude, put a smile on every member's face with his thanks and appreciation. He presented each of the board members with a Rotary mug (rumor has it that coffee tastes better in a Rotary mug  ) Once the gavel was passed to Darin, now-president Kater offered a funny, but positive (are you seeing a theme here?) "roast" of Dane, leaving us all in stitches! The group enjoyed a "summer picnic" themed lunch meeting that was fun -- and yummy --- from start to finish! Of that, we're positive! 
Changing of the Guard , June 2023
2023-07-13 05:00:00Z |
Fun and Fellowship while volunteering at the Kansas Food Bank
2023-02-02 06:00:00Z |
Read all about it in the November 9 issue of the Rotary Notary, at left!
Open World program brings Ukrainian delegates to EWR!
2022-11-12 06:00:00Z |
From: The Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum 204 S. Main, Wichita, KS 67202 An online local history resource available for use October 21 Funded through a Rotary Foundation Grant by the Rotary Club of East Wichita, The Rotary International Foundation, Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum and a gift by J Eric Engstrom A public reception and short program introducing the new archive was held Thursday, October 20th, at the Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum, a sampling of pictures of which is above. The funding awarded has enabled Museum to achieve a unique digital publishing initiative, featuring an archive of historic Sedgwick County photographs and images for use by public and private schools, home educators and the general public through a free, open access, web-based resource.
2022-10-19 05:00:00Z |
For the third year in a row, and a second map painting each year, a dedicated group of East Wichita Rotarians donned some old clothes, met on a beautiful Kansas spring day -- albeit a bit windy, but, heck, that's Kansas for you -- and painted a large US map on a Wichita area's school grounds! This time the crew was busy with paint brushes and rollers at Caldwell Elementary School! Just look at how the sunshine makes the colors pop on the map! Many thanks to all of you for your gift of time, talent and volunteerism on this particular Saturday! The map looks fantastic! See how it comes to life in the pix below!
SCHOOL MAP PAINTING at Caldwell Elementary
2019-04-30 05:00:00Z |
 March Madness has concluded with Virginia winning it all on April 8th's championship game! With your participation, together(!) our 2 nd Annual “Battle of the Brackets” raised $1,400 for the East Wichita Rotary Foundation, surpassing last year’s inaugural fundraiser total of $1,250! Many thanks to each of you for endorsing this fundraiser for our Foundation, which provides scholarships to local area high school students. Your participation, with the purchase of a bracket or two or a contribution “to the cause”, will provide OVER ONE scholarship, for $1000/year, for a deserving student! Great teamwork, folks! Tony Hurtig, the husband of our EWR Club Executive, won the $100 prize for the winning bracket. Boy, there was lots of teasing at the meeting when the bracket winner was announced, especially after our Club Executive won last year. As Kim said, "Trust me! We Hurtig’s aren’t lucky in anything else, except perhaps doing brackets." At our April 10 Rotary meeting, we also had a drawing for $50 each from two of the non-winning brackets and ….. drum roll please ….Michael Moeder and Michael Caffrey (pictured left to right, below) each won $50. Must be a lucky “Michael-thing” going on there! 😊 Just a little tidbit: Michael Caffrey is a very new member AND it was his additional raffle chance, not his bracket, that won. Very cool! Hope to see you all next year when we "take on the Madness and battle the brackets" again!
2019-02-26 06:00:00Z |
| Scott Holder passes the gavel to Burke Jones! As always, the "Changing of the Guard" meeting is a Club favorite! This year's was no different, thanks to a fantastically funny "roast" of Scott by Burke. But first, we looked back at highlights of this last year, including installing benches, via a District grant, in Eastview park, putting a mentorship program in place for new members, hosting a "March Madness Battle of the Brackets" to benefit our own Foundation, and welcoming 13 new members. Many thanks to Scott Holder, "our fearless leader" for all of the energy and leadership he shared with our Club this year; he was the consummate "team player"! Good luck to Burke as he leads us for 2018-19! Congratulations, too, go out to Denise Hearson and Tammie Rhea, named the recipients of the "Service Above Self" and "Rotarian of the Year" award, respectively. Scott also recognized and thanked his board members and our own Foundation's board members. The meeting was well attended, and fun was had by all!
What a year it's been, EWR!
2018-06-29 05:00:00Z |
On April 28, a group of East Wichita Rotarians, joined by a few WSU international students, painted the fourth school map by our Club, this one at Gammon Elementary. What a fun surprise to the Gammon students, as evident in the pictures below, as they arrived at school on Monday to discover their new learning tool and then gathered outside on the map to celebrate this colorful US map! Can you find Kansas?? 
And our fourth school map painting is "in the books" ....
2018-05-03 05:00:00Z |
There was nothing unlucky about the number 13 for this year's annual EWR Christmas Party. On December 13, a record number of Rotarians and their spouses/guests came together for a night of great food, fun friendships and holiday festiveness like never before, with the beautifully-decorated backdrop of the Wichita Country Club as our host. Adding to the success of the evening was this year's entertainment: professional ventriloquist, Greg Claassen! He had the group laughing so much we were crying! Not sure how we top this evening but I know all of us who were there felt very "December-13th-lucky" to have been a part of such a wonderful Christmas party! If the smiles in the pictures (click here) are any indication, fun was had by all! Merry Christmas from East Wichita Rotary and have a very prosperous, healthy 2018, full of love and family!
Annual EWR Christmas Party was a smashing success!
2017-12-15 06:00:00Z |
With decorations aplenty and lots of good cheer, to boot, East Wichita Rotarians and friends helped the residents of Wichita Children's Home decorate Christmas trees! What a fantastic way to enjoy a Saturday morning in December, one of the great annual traditions of EWR!
EWR Volunteers join WCH residents to decorate Christmas trees!
2017-12-04 06:00:00Z |
With the help of a District grant, matching funds from our Club and a great partnership with the City of Wichita Parks and Recreation Department, new benches replaced old worn out benches in Eastview Park at E. 13th and Governour. The new benches are even Rotary blue! Several of our members gathered to assemble the benches and "get their hands a little dirty" to make this project a reality. Many thanks to the District for awarding the grant and to the City for their help also. Click here to see a photo album showing the transformation from the old ... to the new! Voila!
District Grant used for beautiful new park benches!
2017-09-29 05:00:00Z |